Sealife Systems Skimmer


Is anyone familar with sealife skimmers? are they a sump skimmer or a stand alone skimmer? the instructions are very vauge to say the least and that is being polite. I have a cap 3000 to provide the required flow rate because I thought it was a sump skimmer now I am not sure.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance


I am not sure how to set it up. I thimk I have identified the inlet and outlet but, where do I send the discharge? back to the sump so the Iwaki 40 can return it to the main tank? and there is a line coming off the collection cup where does that drain?
Which model SeaLife Skimmer do you have? Impact or Motorized?
If you have the IS-400 Impact Skimmer then the tall PVC with the air valve is your supply inlet and the short PVC with the elbow (90deg) is the outlet. You can set it up inside or outside the sump but the short outlet from the skimmer must be unrestricted and return into your sump. Then as you surmised the Iwaki 40 will take it from there.
The outlet on the collection cup is for an external waste collector. I do not use this option, instead I clean the cup BEFORE it begins to overflow. I have an IS-400 running on a 21-gallon Rubbermaid I use to cure rock in. With your 450 it might be a good idea to use one if you find that you are emptying the collection cup to often.


thanks slowest is fastest, that is exactly what I needed I have the 450 inpact and I am told it is a god unit so now all is complete I'll hook it up get some sand and fill the tank this weekend.
One last thought...before you get the sand and mix up all that saltwater be sure to fill the entire system after plumbing with plain water and check for leaks. It is much easier to deal with a drip or other leaks BEFORE you have the tank full of rock, sand and saltwater...Just a thought good luck :)