Searching for board rules


I am looking for the board rules as people keep getting told that no links or other company names are permitted. The only thing I could find is when you sign up you get the following
Rules, Policies, and Disclaimers
If you agree to abide by our rules below, please press the Agree button, which will enable you to register on this message board. If you do not agree to these terms, press the Cancel button.
All levels of experience are welcome here. Any question is welcome. You will find tons of absolutely free help here on the Message Boards. Using the search feature allows you to go back to January 2000 to find answers to the topic you're searching.
This is a free service and all participants enter and participate at their own risk. Keep in mind that members answering your questions may have substantially more or substantially less experience than you.


Out of respect for the former rules, and the information here, I would not link to other competitor's sites. If you have a personal page, or a non-competitive link, I would feel that it is ok.
It is your decision, but I agree with ijji. Just wait a few day, or e-mail them at


Active Member
currently there is a rule against posting links, but only of vendors, this however is under review, and they are taking a poll in which every one is allowed to vote, in the aquarium board on this site, and out of respect for the site, even if they do lift the band, ido not intend to post links to competitors in the interest of sales,but maybe for info only
THIS IS A FREE SITE, sponsored by a vendor, and i can see their point, to allow us to advertise for other companies would be senseless and a conflict , and to allow advertising for vendors could jeopardize business for the vendor that allows us to share our experiences with each ohter without asking any fees except to support and respect them as a vendor


Active Member
This is correct: advertising for other venders etc would be a no no.
as stated before:This is a FREE board!
They do it for all of us at NO charge!
I have went to other venders sites. I will not say harsh words of any kind about them!!
BUT, I have purchaced alot from this site and am 100% satified. Why change???


im as well have gotten alot of stuff from this site, and when i get more money i will get more. out of thanks for SWF i'm not posting links to other venders.