seaweed selects...


I tried putting a little seaweed selects on a suction clip for my yellow tang but it doesn't eat it.I can leave it in my tank for hours but it still wont touch it.Any sugestions?


How long have you had the yellow tang? Sometimes they don't like to come out in plain view while eating. Maybe if you rubber-band it to a small piece of coral and sink it to the back of the tank where he can eat it while he hides, he might be more tempted. If he is a new arrival to your tank, it may take him a little while to start eating. Also offer some meaty foods, such as brine or mysis shrimp, or some krill; they love that! Best of luck!


Active Member
what type of seaweed is it? Green/orange? My Sailfin hides all day until I add some seaweed to the clip and out he comes. Took him about three days wihtou my meddling for him to get the idea though.