SeaWeed Selects


Will SeaWeed(Red Marine Algae)if not removed cause nitrates to go high and ammonia to raise slightly? I think I have done a stupid thing cause I put some of that stuff in and never took it out... Now I see that my nitrates are reading 80 and ammonia 0.25. I have posted about my ammonia being at 0.25 with no fish in...only interbrates...But Im hoping that this SeaWeed was my cause for my sudden readings cause then I have caught it. My nitrite is 0 and Ph is 8.2 Plan on doing a 40g water change...Should that bring my rates back down??My aquarium is 125g


Active Member
yes if it is uneaten it will break down like any other food or waste not eaten (live algae wont, dead will). I use seaweed salad and it says on the label remove any uneaten large portions after 6-8hrs (I have a greedy hippo tang so its never been an issue).