Seba anenome problems


I have had problems with seba anenome's. My carpet, and my bubble tips are doing fine, but i Have killed 2 seba's, i have tried them in the sand, on the rocks, low flow, moderate flow, and high flow. my water quality seems to be fine, and i have never had any problems with other anenomes. Are the seba's harder to keep alive, what suggestions do you guys have?? :help:


Sebea's are much more delicate and touchy. They almost always require metal halides for proper survival. Most are purchased white having lost there zooxanthellae. They need that strong lighting to recover and become healthy again. Chances are with sebae's that they will die within just a few months of introducing them into the system. some however have been able to keep them alive.
One tip here, you shouldn't mix multiple species on one tank. There could be some chemical warfare. But if you have a large tank and are not worried about such things then the sebea can be in the sand or on the rocks if IT chooses to be. They should be drip acclimated when introduced to a new system in my opinion.