Sebae anemone behavior


I've had a sebae anemone in the DT for about a Month. When I fisrt got it, it moved once, planted itself ina semi-shaded spot and stayed there. It shrank itself down once and a while, maybe once every 10 days. All the while my two ocellaris clowns have been in the QT. I have been feeding the anemone MYSIS shrimp but not directly, I would just make sure it caught one or two in each feeding (once a day while all the fish were in QT). Over the past week the anemone has shrunk down every THIRD day, and when I transfered the clowns into the tank it was just a stump. that night it moved clear across the tank to another semi-shaded spot and wrapped it's tentacles around a rock that has some coulpera growing on it (lots of pods hang out there) and today it's shrinking down again.
Should I be concerned about the increased purging it's doing? Why does it keep choosing semi-shaded spots to make camp?
My clowns don't seem interested in it, does that take time or are they noticing it's behavior as "abby-normal"?


Sebaes are hard to please, especially with low light levels. I would try to directly feed this guy regularly (3 times a weak). However, I do not think your lighting is adequite. Maybe if you tried to position him higher, near the light source. Unfortunately they have a mind of their own and he'll probably move.