Sebae Anemone eats Perc


I bought a true perc, from 1 LFS, and a sebae anemone from another LFS on the same day, and introduced them into my tank. My perc began using the sebae as it's host within 24 hours of introduction in my tank. The second day, the sebae really extended himself, as if to enjoy the perc hosting with him, however, after the lights went out, on the 2nd day, my perc disappeared. The only conclusion that I can make is that the sebae ate him. Is this common? Should I look to get another perc, or false perc, or should I look at some other species of clown, or possibly accept that this is a more aggressive anemone and forget about getting another clown?


New Member
Ditto, my little clown vanished last week and the only thing we can think of is the Atlantic Anenome ate him. It is always trying to eat the cleaner shrimp that teases it all day.


What other fish do you have in your tank? Have they been there for a while? I had the same issue and discovered that it wasn't the anemone but rather the established fish. My clown was gone by morning...not a scale or bone to be found. When I tried it again, I watched it carefully for a couple of hours and it was a total feeding frenzy. Unbelievable.


New Member
The only other fish in with my clown was a yellow tang, female clown and a sixline wrasse.
The clown were in first and they all get along fine.
He vanished in a few hours and I didn't think the crabs would eat him that quickly, and there was no reason for him to die, he was perfectly happy and healthy at bed time.


Yellow Tangs are pretty terratorial. My offenders are a yellow tang, tomato clown and a dwarf angel. I"m not kidding: 20 minutes and there wasn't a bone or scale left in the tank. Like a school of pirahannas.


New Member
Yuk, that is awful. Come to think of it he did look a bit full up the next day, if he eats anymore he will have to go on a holiday down the pan.


Yeah...I was pretty horrified and have not put in any other fish since. It was something I never knew could happen and wouldn't have believed it unless I actually saw it with my own eyes.


I honestly don't believe that mine was a fish eating the perc. I have a sixline, 2 green chromis, a LMB and a yellow watchman goby. I put my perc in the first day and the little guy was completely lost. He wouldn't go in the rockwork or anything, even while the lights were off, he stayed in one spot swimming. The next day, after he found the anemone, he played in the anomone, came out and ate, went right back in. After the next night, he never left the anemone. He wasn't swimming about and he didn't eat. He just laid in the anemone. The next morning he was gone. Nothing picked on him the entire time he was in the tank. I watched him closely every day while the lights were on and for quite awhile each night with only the moonlights on.


Active Member
is it bad that I just recently bought a Sebae Anemone for my clowns the other day. Just last night they we in it, they just started hosting it.


Depending on the size of the clown to the size of the anenome, it will take awhile for a sebae to eat a clown. If you have a tiny clown and a relatively large anenome, yes the anenome can gulp it down, but if you have a relatively large clown with a smaller anenome the chances are the anenome will not eat it. Anenomes take awhile to eat and if the food source is too large literally have to push their stomaches out and digest the food outside of their bodies until they can pull it into their mouths and collapse around the food. And anenomes will also expell the undigestable waste such as bones.
For the best results I suggest a large clown in comparison to the anenome. After they grow together awhile the anenome will recognize the clown as beneficial and not eat it. Although there is the chance.


you never know who will eat who... awhile back my pistol shrimp had burrowed up against the glass so I could see him when he went into his home... then one day he grabs my scooter blenny and drags him down. The poor guy was still alive, but he just kept pulling him in further and further. I had a yellow watchman goby living as his roommate and he just would scoot past them when he wanted to move around. I had to put up a post-it over the glass, it was too gruesome to watch his shallow breathing while the shrimp worked on opening him up like a can opener. And I have piranahs! You'd think I'd be ok with such things.