sebae anemone- on its way out...


well, I was finally able to take my anemone and put it into my new HT, which finally cycled. My sebae was not doing well due to high nitrates in my tank. Now, he's pretty shriveled. (Not melting yet, no stink yet). He is still moving a tiny bit, but since he has been in the HT, his mouth has opened very wide whereI can see his innards. Is it possible it will make it?


Active Member
I don't know the entire situation, but you saying that you JUST place the anemone in a NEWLY cycled tank means the odds are your anemone will die. You need an established tank. While you are trying to move the anemone from one death trap(tank w/ high nitrates) i believe you've just placed it into another.


Well, I watched the HT 8 weeks ago go from High Ammonia-High Nitrite-High nitrate. I did a water change, at week 6, and I watched the ammonia-0, Nitrite stayed high a bit, and then week 7 went to 0 and the trates went to 10-I did a water change, and all is at 0- even after day 2 of the new anemone... You really think it is worse off? All the params are the same as my DT, except for the trates. I thought I was doing the right thing getting him in pristine water!


Active Member
How high is high? If your nitrates were/are less that 15 or so I believe you would be fine. What I was saying was your took your anemone out of an established tank (which is a must for an anemone) and put it into a newly cycled tank - which is not a good thing.