sebae anemone update..


I don't have the old picture of my anemone, my pc crashed a few months ago so I can't compare. I wish they still had the old pictures on this site. Anyway it was a white seabae. It was pure white with purple tips and about 2-3 inches when I got him. It's been about 6 months now and he is huge and seems to be doing great. I wish I still had the before pic. Anyway I feed him silversides about every 10 days. Here's what he looks like now.



wow,he looks real white in that 2nd pic. I must have messed with my camera settings. Anyway he is the same color as the first picture. :thinking:


i bought mine when he was only about 4in when fully open that was 7months ago now he is at least 10in and my clowns love him they get really mad when i accidentally touch him and and they bite me they will come all the way across the tank to bite me!!!!!!!!