Sebae Anemone - White


New Member
Been reading up on the Sebae Anemone - White, and Ive found some conflicting information about them being white. Is their color white? or if they are white is that a sign of an unhealthy Anemone? Rest of my coral is doing well....
Here is s photo:


Active Member
White means they have expelled their zooaxanthallae. It should have brown in the tentacles. Here is a pic of mine:


New Member
Need some tips my tank is a 10 year old Saltwater tank that for the last nine years has been only for fish I started adding corals 10 months ago every thing is good. Levels are constant with Dosing pumps and auto fill. But I got my sebae anemone from local pet supplier one month ago started good no looks like.... Not so good. Any ideas?