forget to ask, but assuming the two percula clownfish i have are compatible with this sebae, how long would it take for one of these guys to call the sebae home and take shelter in him. I know its not a guarantee they will be compatible but i was wondering if it was an instant relationship or if it sometimes takes time for the fish to adjust to it.
no.... you can not propagate a seabae but,,, some times they will split into two (mine did 2 yrs ago) and the clowns have to build up there slime on the skin to be able to live in one if they have been away for awhile...
I have some questions about my sebae anenome. Do they need to be fed meaty food once in awhile? Do they not need to be fed at all? In the last day my sebae seems to have shrunk, is this normal or is something wrong with him. All water parameters are fine.