Active Member
I dont have a picture of my actual fish, but I tried the best I could with a pic of a healthy clarkii I had saved in my computer, since they both are similar in the face. I circled the effected areas, and labeled as 1, 2, and 3.
The fish started to losing all interest in food Sunday, its now day 4 and will not eat. It has been hiding alot lately and less active. Today is the day that all the signs showed up. In the area that I circled and labeled as 1, the nostriles seem to be swollen, and below the nostriles, I guess you could say its upper lip, has turned blotchy and red in color. In the areas labeled 2 and 3, in the corner of his mouth, both sides, seems to look as though its seperating from the "cheeks". Also his breathing seems very rapid. One other thing I did not circle, since that is more of a frontal shot is on one side right at the beginning of his first stripe seems to be a scratch, maybe from the rocks? Not sure, but the was the very first thing I noticed a few days ago. I dont know if that is relavant to everything else, or just a secondary problem.
At the moment I am trying to get into my HT, but would you say I'm probably dealing with a bacterial infection and Maracyn 2 would be a good choice to work with? Thanks, sorry so long
The fish started to losing all interest in food Sunday, its now day 4 and will not eat. It has been hiding alot lately and less active. Today is the day that all the signs showed up. In the area that I circled and labeled as 1, the nostriles seem to be swollen, and below the nostriles, I guess you could say its upper lip, has turned blotchy and red in color. In the areas labeled 2 and 3, in the corner of his mouth, both sides, seems to look as though its seperating from the "cheeks". Also his breathing seems very rapid. One other thing I did not circle, since that is more of a frontal shot is on one side right at the beginning of his first stripe seems to be a scratch, maybe from the rocks? Not sure, but the was the very first thing I noticed a few days ago. I dont know if that is relavant to everything else, or just a secondary problem.
At the moment I am trying to get into my HT, but would you say I'm probably dealing with a bacterial infection and Maracyn 2 would be a good choice to work with? Thanks, sorry so long