sebae help?!?!


New Member
ok... first off i checked water parameters this morning everything is perfect... i have a 75 gallon tank with yes i know u will complain... but 520 whats of pc lighting... my tank has been running for about 3 years... i just got the anemone about a week ago and it was planted in a decent... not great spot... now this morning it has moved to a spot with little light.... just wondering if i did something wrong with introducing it or if it is just looking for a good spot....?


It is probably just looking for a nice spot. My bubble anemone traveled around for a few days before it found a spot that it liked. I have heard that sebae anemones can take longer to acclimate than other species so it may be a while before it is comfortable.
As long as it doesn't flip upside down or get stuck while its moving, it will probably be OK.


It's not the bulbs.. It's the lighting, PCs just don't have a good enough PAR rating despite the wattage. Anemones just require a lot of light and flow and unfortunately I don't know of anyone having long term luck with them on anything besides T5s or halides... hope this helps