sebae host perculas?


this is justin's girlfriend.
I've had two percula clownfish for around 7 months and I recently got a peach sebae anemone in hopes it would host my clownfish, however, my clownfish won't come in contact with it. They show an interest in it but haven't touched it. I believe my clownfish are false perculas (bred in captivity) so I don't know if that has any affect on why they won't go near the anemone?
any ideas on how to introduce the clownfish to the anemone in hopes of it becoming a host for them?


Some clowns do indeed just choose not to host, mine havent so far. But also the sebae can be a harsh anemone, the clowns may approach it very slowly and test it over some time in order to get used to it, carpets are that way. A carpet is the only kind of anemone that I have had sting me and it actually hurt. And after that my hand went numb for a few seconds, kinda cool..