Zano ~ test your calcium and alkalinity, your salinity is a bit low IMO, should be about 1.025.
As far as filter feeding the phyto does little for anemones IMO/IME, and too much of it can contribute to poor water quality. They require some meaty food supplements especially with low lighting. Give it a try and see how it responds, use some mysis shrimp and gently squirt some into the tentacles with a turkey baster. Most of the nutrition that an anemone gets is from the zooxanthellae the lives within it, and it is the zoo that requires the lighting.
Sebea's in most cases require metal halide lighting for them to truly survive and thrive. A 2 x 65 pc lighting fixture will not be enough for it to survive long term. I would consider that lighting to be almost to low for any hosting anemone. Lighting is key for any photosynthetic animal, its the best food you can give it.