Sebea anemone wont eat


Active Member
I have a sebea anemone and it WILL NOT EAT. I've tried silversides and frozen brine...but it just wont take to anything. This has been going on for about 3 weeks now, and its showing in the anemone's appearance. What should i try to feed and how should i feed it? Should I douse with any chemicals or anything? :help:


Lighting and water chemistry please.
Also try feeding just after lights out or at different times. Never use brine, instead try the frozen mysis shrimp.


Active Member
shane do u feed phyto planton? my anenome just eats phyto. i never have fed it fish or any thing. they usually just eat what they catch.


Active Member
2x65 w pc on the 20 long. I try to feed more often than recomended because of my low lighting.
Sal - 1.023
trate- o
trite- 0
Ammonia - 0
pH - 8.0
temp - 78


I've never actually fed my sebae either, I just used phytoplankton. It seems happy as can be. From what I've read most anemones are filter feeders, but will grab things floating by to eat them.


Zano ~ test your calcium and alkalinity, your salinity is a bit low IMO, should be about 1.025.
As far as filter feeding the phyto does little for anemones IMO/IME, and too much of it can contribute to poor water quality. They require some meaty food supplements especially with low lighting. Give it a try and see how it responds, use some mysis shrimp and gently squirt some into the tentacles with a turkey baster. Most of the nutrition that an anemone gets is from the zooxanthellae the lives within it, and it is the zoo that requires the lighting.
Sebea's in most cases require metal halide lighting for them to truly survive and thrive. A 2 x 65 pc lighting fixture will not be enough for it to survive long term. I would consider that lighting to be almost to low for any hosting anemone. Lighting is key for any photosynthetic animal, its the best food you can give it.


Active Member
Ok thanks big time thomas. I have been comtemplating buying a 175 watt MH fixture for the 20...Do you think this would be sufficient? And worth looking into?


Active Member
Lol thats the one I was referring to actually...I might be able to come up with the money in a couple weeks...Maybe even middle next week.