Sebea or Bubbletip? Please help!


Yesterday at the lfs I picked up what I thought was a white bubble tip. After I brought it home I stared at it for a little too long maybe
I started to think it was a sebea anemone (the lfs had several bubbletips/sebeas in the same tank). I'll take a pic when I can, but since yesterday it moved to the back of my tank behind some rock.
My question is, I read that sebea anemones are harder to maintain and are more aggressive then bubbletips. Is there anything I can look for to really differentiate what I have? The nem has a dark orange foot with white tentacles and pink/purple tips.
If it turns out to be a sebea... I might return it to the lfs ... if I can reach it with tearing apart my rock-work.
Any help is really appreciated Thanks!


I'm no nem expert, but that sounds more like a sebea to me. All of the sebea's that I have seen are cream to white with a dark pink/purple dot at the end of the tenticles. I have never seen a bta or a rbta look like that before.
I'm sure that there are other people on here that will chiime in with a more definitive answer.


Active Member
Try looking here.
Here is a little more.
Heteractis crispa is generally easy to discern as a species... Most have rather long, slender and numerous tentacles that taper toward their apex, and each of these tentacles bears a more or less prominent pink tip. Their "stalks" are generally grayish in color, with no evidence of verrucae (striations).


I take that back - if you look at the picture of the bta under the inverts tab you can see small purple dots at the ends of tenticles - maybe you do have a bta after all


I have never had a sebae, but from what I have read and heard from others a sebae is harder to keep than a bta.