second n a k e d perc!


Hi All - My second n a k e d clownfish arrived today. It is gorgeous and healthy. Thank you SWF! I have him/her isolated from one that I had purchased from swf a few weeks ago. After the isolation period, can I add the new clownfish to the same tank as my first, or will they fight? Jan


they should be fine, there might be some picking on each other to figure out who is boss but it should be fine. They are more peaceful than some of the other clown fish. Do you have any pic's?


yep pics are mandatory
If they fight I have taped mirrors to the side of the tank so they think a whole bunch of fish were dumped in


Active Member
no they should be fine. percs are the only clownfish where u can put as many as u want together. =]
the bigger one will become the female and the smaller is the male. the female will be aggresive towards the little one but thats only normal. =]
good luck