Second Sick Sebae Clownfish

aqua blue

I am looking for advice on best treatment for my second Sebae Clownfish. It is Scratching ( Noticed Yesterday), Gasping (Noticed late last night), and quit eating just this morning.
I had a smaller Sebae Clownfish that I was trying to pair up with this one. It developed the same symptoms (earlier thread 9-24). I tried treating it with coppersafe (lfs advice). It quit scratching but continued to gasp and would not eat. It died four days later.
I see many posts saying that coppersafe is a waste of time. Would it be better to try Seachem's copper product? Or should I try hyposalinity?
The only other fish I have is a four stripe damsel. I have had it from the start (6/23). It seems to be doing fine.
My water parameters on 9/29 were:
Salinity - 1.024
pH - 8.2
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 5<10
Temp. - 79
My nitrates have actually come down a little from 10 on 9/1/02.
Probably from taking water out for hospital tank (10gal).
Any advice will be helpful:confused:


Staff member
Can you link your other thread here, so we can see what the history is?

aqua blue

I am not sure how to link an earlier thread to this one. But I can "bump" up the earlier thread "Sick Clownfish?"

aqua blue

I am pretty sure the lfs in my area carry formalin. I can't see any mucus like strings hanging from the face or gill area. But since it quit eating instead of fish waste there is some times a mucus like string passed.
I will begin dropping the salinity gradually over a 48 hr. time frame until I get it down to 1.009 and then keep it there for 3-4 weeks. If fish improves during this time the I will raise the salinity back up over a 48 hour period and maintain it for another week. Is this correct?
Thanks again for the help.:D

aqua blue


Originally posted by Terry B
If this was a wild caught clownfish then they often have brooklynella and it is very contagious, especially to other clownfish. It can also kill in a couple of days. Copper does not treat it at all. I would suggest hyposalinity to ease the symptoms but the best treatment is a series of three formalin dips, one every other day. Be sure that you understand how to do a formalin dip before you attempt it. Place and aerator (not too strong in the dip and treat the fish for 45 minutes. Use 20 drops/gal in a dip bucket only. You can get formalin (formaldehyde) at some pharmacies and some fish stores carry it also. Do you notice any mucus like strings hanging from the face and gills?
Terry B

I am still in a gradual process of lowering the salinity for hypo. I am down to 1.015 but I want to get a more accurate glass hydrometer by the time I reach 1.012 that way I can be more confident of 1.009 and of water changes at 1.009 if needed.
I have done 2 of the 3 formalin dips. The third one will be on Tuesday 10/8.
As soon as I started lowering the salinity and after the first dip the fish has started eating again , is not gasping, and I have not seen any scratching in two days. This gives me high hopes of recovery.
Are both, the hypo at 1.009 and the formalin dips, of equal importance for this treatment? Or is the hypo just to ease the symptoms while the dips are being done? Just wondering about the need for absolute 1.009 salinity in this case.
Again thank you for your time and knowledge. :)

aqua blue

I will contiune with the third formalin dip tomorrow. I will also continue to gradually drop the salinity towards 1.009. The salinity is currently at 1.014. I will take it down to 1.012 and then make sure I have an accurate glass hydrometer before going lower.
No signs of spots or scratching. The fish continues to eat well. It is even eating the Tetra Anti-Parasite medicated flakes. What is your opinion on this medicated food? Is there any danger or drawback to feeding this as far as you know?
I value your opinion and appreciate your generous help.
Thank You.:)