Second Thoughts


New Member
At first i was really excited about the idea of keeping sea horses. But now I am starting to have second thoughts about these creatures. I have heard they can be incredibley boring, that they stay still attached to a piece of aquarium decor for hours, and that they are more work than what they are worth. Is this true? Are they worth keeping? I would appreciate any comments on the matter!
P.S. Does anyone have any pics of their sea horse aquariums?


Active Member
I did the same thing!
I was so excited that i was going to get seahorses but then after watching them awhile at my lfs i noticed blenny's and other fish were alot cooler
sorry if that didn't give you any help:(


Active Member
I have seahorses. I honestly don't think they are that much more work than my reef tank (except feeding them twice a day EVERY day). To tell you the truth, they aren't nearly as neat as I thought they would be. They don't really swim around and explore that much. When they die I don't know if I will get anymore. I only have two of them in a 29 gallon though, I think it might be different if I had a large tank with a bunch of them in there.


Active Member
Total flip-side over here. I can't imagine not having them to watch. Obviously not fast-moving, but my two are pretty active. They are most always in the front area, they don't hide. If they do go behind the rock, they are hunting.
I don't know that seeing them at a LFS is a fair example, but I also know that we all want different things from our hobby. If you are having doubts, it might be something to think about down the road?
Couldn't resist including the push-me-pull-you pic. It happens often.


Active Member
Cool pic Poniegirl! My SH's are yelow right now, I wish they would change to black. What size tank do you have again? I wish I could put them in my 75 or 55, but I tried that and they didn't get enough food so I had to put them back in their own tank.


Active Member
boring?1 you shhould see them mating and dancing!!!!
PS: maybe i am too easily amused if you think theya re boring...... but i like watching my pod population


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
Cool pic Poniegirl! My SH's are yelow right now, I wish they would change to black. What size tank do you have again? I wish I could put them in my 75 or 55, but I tried that and they didn't get enough food so I had to put them back in their own tank.
Thanks Alyssia! The tank is just a 60.
Both of these two were black when I got them, though they were also not young. I would estimate that they are both around 4 yrs. The Mustang maybe even a bit older. The Giant had lost her mate through shipping stress and I have a feeling she was hand fed at some point in her life. Probably a breeder. Very friendly. Both of them are female.
If the tank is mature, they will get enough food. When I turn lights up in the AM, its a game for me to see if I can see the copes. That is what they do all day. I've seen pics of yours with their snouts in the rock around feather dusters? They looked happy!
They have a fasting day on Monday. I hate it, but it's a good rest for their system. It's pellets and FormulaTwo for everyone else.