Second try at my 12G Aquapod


Active Member
Through my lack of care, most of the inhabitants of my tank at work died,
except for a few hermits, snails, and one small bunch of zoas. I had filter floss in the first chamber, the bio rings and a bag of charcoal that came with the tank in the middle chambers, and just the pump in the last chamber. In my new setup I have the filter floss in the first chamber and a couple of bags of Purigen in the middle chamber. I cleaned out the old tank, and am reusing the LR-I pulled the LR about 10 days ago and had it in a bucket with a powerhead and heater until yesterday when I reinstalled the LR and sand. The LR survived, no ammonia spikes in the bucket and I put a fresh bag of Live Aragonite in the nano and am starting to re-stock it.
I would appreciate your advice on tips and techniques to keep it going long term-my 55G reef tank at home has been going great for years and I want the nano to be the same.


Active Member
My nano has been up and running for 6 days now, and I have some pics to post. I started re-stocking it on Monday and have brought a few more frags from my 55 gal DT at home. I had a large rock of GSP which I took out of the DT, put on a chopping board and hacked it in half with a cleaver. Brought in some rics, got a real cute little miniature angel, fragged my frogspawn, and bought a nice rock with some shrooms and a combo orange/green zoa rock.
Check out the tiny, tiny, little polyps (kinda like a clove polyp) next to the striped mushrooms.
First pic from l;ast Sunday when the water started to clear up, second pic from today, remainder are pics of the tiny polyps and the new tank.
Appreciate any tips on what the tiny polyps and the ghosty thing next to them are!



Active Member
its looks awsome! i love it but your tank has been running for 6 days? its looking real good! amazing color! did you let the tank cycle or anything?


Active Member
Yeah, 6 days isn't much time, but I'm counting on all the LR in the tank being fully mature, plus half of the water came from my 55G DT, and along with the live sand it seems to be working. I think the tank has a pretty good start and so far everything is doing well. All the corals seem pretty happy and thriving and I am committed to making this one work. I will be keeping Purigen in the second chamber to help keep the water clean.