Sedentary Crabs


I introduced 20 Scarlet legged and 20 blue legged hermits about 3 weeks ago to my 50g tank. For the first two weeks, they were absulute workhorses, constantly moving and eating. Lately, they have really become very slow and seem to pick a spot and just sit there all day. they are alove, as you can see their mouthparts moving. They do move, just not as often or as quickly as before. My water parameters are fine, Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates ~2.5, Calcium 400, I add Iodine weekly. Some of the crabs have changed shells and are still molting, I assume this is a good sign. Just wanted to see if there's any reason to worry.


I also have blue legs and scarlets in my tank. The blues are always on the move, but my scarlets dont do alot until the lights are off. Its not unusual to see a scarlet sit in the same spot for a couple days. Blue legs kinda have a bad "rep" but I have not had any problems using them as long as i keep lots of empty shells around.