Seeking a star & other tankmates


I am trying to keep a diverse community tank w/ the following:
Have now:
Box fish
2 peppermint shrimo
1 cleaner
feather dusters
some sort of starfish. I heard of possibly having a brittle star or c.c. star
Eel: snowflake or blue ribbon
Fish: pearly jawfish, royal gramma, clownfish, scooter bleeny, or a goby.
I want interesting fish that quirks or personalities, that is why I have a boxfish, I understand that gobies & jawfish like to burrow in sand to make homes and syphon sand through their gills. So these are things I am looking for, maybe a wrasse. What do you guys think/recommend


Active Member
If you want a starfish that you want to see a lot then don't get a brittle star, they are nocturnal and you hardy see them during the day. I would go with a choc. chip star. I have two of them and I luv them. They're always so active, but if they are hungry enough they might eat feather dusters. I've had my stars with four feather dusters for months and they never bothered them though. The fish selection sounds alright except for I don't know much about the pearly jawfish. I don't think its a good idea to keep an eel with shrimp, I've heard a lot of times they eat them.


The eel will eat your shrimp and your crabs and maybe the snails and then he will start to chase after fish....and eat them too!!!! Mine did anyway