Selcon vs. Zoecon


New Member
Just wondering what everyones experience with these two are. I have been using Selcon and zoe togather to soak my tangs food in. Recently I went to get more Selcon and the LFS was out so I settled for Kent Zoecon and was told it is the same (it was cheaper though). It seems to cloud the water alot where the Selcon did not.


i use zoecon and have had no problems. i mix the zoecon into some frozen brine shrimp and then feed the mixture after a few hours. never clouded the water as such though.


I have two Perc Clowns that I bought a few weeks apart from different stores. The 2nd one was quite a bit lighter/faded in its colors as compared to the 1st. I've been feeding brine shrimp soaked in Kent Zoecon to them for the last month and the colors on the lighter Perc have improved dramatically and the other's has darkened even more. Of course I can't prove it's due to the Zoecon as it could be just my overall water conditions are better than the store's. But it' pretty strong circumstantial evidence.
I haven't had any clouding problems either, but I have wondered about the long-term effects of continually feeding them Zoecon enriched food, I am thinking of backing of from daily to maybe 1x or 2x a week.

nm reef

Active Member
I soak virtually all food in a few drops of zoe.....never had a problem with cloudy water....and it seems to be good stuff


New Member
fish&chips the improved colors are most definatly because of the zoecon enriched food. I use it everytime I feed and the colors of all my fish have improved dramaticaly. I have eeven herd that this will reverse lateral line disease in tangs. Does anyone out there use selcon and if so why??