Selectin Advice?


New Member
'ello... I am thinking of adding more fish to my 65 gallon aquarium, and Im not quite sure what to put in next. I currently have a Black Volitan Lionfish (7inch), Porcupine Puffer(7inch), and a panther grouper(8inch) residing with a brittle star and various oysters. I looking to add either a small shark, ray, or something tame or colorful like the puffer or grouper, which not only I have taken a liking to, but they to me. Any Advice?


Active Member
have you thought about getting a bigger tank than a 125?? a panther grouper in a 125 is very tight


Active Member
Like I stated in the other thread, the 125 will be too small. You would be much better off with the 250, and like it was already said, no shark or ray can go with a puffer.