Selling 100 gal set-up Salt Lake City area


New Member
I am going to be selling my 100 gallon set-up soon. I will be getting some pics but wanted to get a thread out to test the waters so to speak a little ahead of time. Just a few notes on the set-up:
100 Gallon acrylic tank, 2 corner overflows plumbed through bottom with pvc plumbing into sump refugium (Ecosystem). Custom oak canopy with power compact (48") light, Oak base cabinet (60") was made into beautiful base with 2 drawers for supplies and plenty of room for pump (Little giant model number #71623216), I am unsure of gph but it is quiet and very powerful, plenty for this set-up. I simply do not have the time any more to keep up with the maintenance to keep the system as beautiful as I wish. The fish are doin awsome but I have had difficulty (probably due to lack of better lighting) keeping corals. This is an excellent opportunity for an upgrade for someone better suited for the task! The fish I have are as follows:
Yellow Tang, 6"
Blue Tang, 7"
Foxface, 6"
Red Volitans Lionfish (Beautiful) 6"
Pair of maroon clowns 5" & 2"
Copperbanded Butterfly 3"
Potter's Angelfish 3"
(2) 3 stripe damsels 1.5"
Yellowtail damsel 1"
1 Large green bristle star
1 med black bristle star
approx 80 pounds live rock
I will be getting some pics up soon, however if you are in SLC area and would like to arrange a visit to see the set-up running email me at
I will only be selling entire set-up (lots of extras not mentioned obviously) not pieces. I will however sell fish separately for fair prices (no shipping). I will not entertain offers less than $800. I am not desperate so please do not waste my time with foolish offers!
slcreefguy (for now!)


I would be interested in stopping by to look at your livestock. I'll send you an e-mail of how to get ahold of me.