Selling all


Well, I vacation for the last two weeks and went snorkleing and scuba diving several times. When I got to witness how these fish live in the wild, I want no parts of keeping them in a tank anymore. This may sound wierd to some, but it took for me to see that to say I want out. I saw Angels, Groupers, and Triggers the size of a stop sign...It was amazing!!!!
Anyway, I got stuff to sell


180- Oak
3- Fluval(the biggest one, can't think of number)
1- AquaClear 150 sump
2- UV Sterilizers (turbotwist 9w)
bout 180lbs of LR.
Not shipping any fish.


i think this si the first time i have seen someone leave the hobby after seeing them in their natural habitat but i see where your coming from.


New Member
where are you located in Ohio? I live near Akron and would be interested in the tank and possibly some liverock should the price be right.


Active Member
Saltfisher- Thats not a strange thought. The whole time I was in Mexico last month I was thinking the exact same thing. I applaude you for caring that much about the preservation of saltwater fish. However, I think the effort you would put in to getting rid of all of this stuff would be much better spent using that time to do some research. There are hundreds of reef preservation societies out there. Give it some time and see what you come up with. You will be surprised what you can do with a keyboard. HTH.


instead of selling everything why dont you try breeding fish to help take the strain off of people taking animals from the ocean. you could start with simple animals like banghai cardinals and the like and clowns and then move up as you become more adept at it. that is a much better solution i think. instead of selling everything and not doing anything at least this way you can enjoy your hobby and enjoy the fish and provide a solution to help the ocean that inspired you so much. seems to me to be the logical choice. Not just throwing up your hands over an awe moment in the ocean. but if thats what you want to do i can understand why.