Okay, I have decided after three long days of thinking that I am going to sell my 29g tank and everything thing I have. I just lost two firefish goby's for no apparent reason..they were doing fine, and in a matter of days I flushed 35 bucks down the drain...I know that is not a whole lot of money but it is for me when i'm only 15 and extremely low on cash.... I have lost 2 pair of true percs, a lawnmower blenny, and now these...The only thing I have kept alive is my cleaner shrimp and some snails and 1 red scarlet crab...My water quality is perfect and that is what I don't get...and also the fact that I might not be here this summer So I don't have enuff time to devote into my here it is...I AM SELLING THE WHOLE LOT...!
29g all glass tank
Really nice stand with cabinet door(spelling?) ITs black btw
Cpr Bak Pak skimmer...(model CYHO?)
Whipser HOB filter
2 power Heads(not sure of sizes at the moment)
30-40lbs of Cured Fiji Live rock(when I say cured I mean it..its been in tanks for about 3 years now and Is covered in sponges, worms, TONS AND TONS OF DARK PURPLE CORRALINE, etc..etc..) Extremely nice pieces
55Lbs of Live sand..tons and tons of critters
100w jager heater
175w Metal Halide Pendant with a 10k ushio gas hamilton bulb
Timer for the lights
Power strip
2 books (Saltwaterfish for dummies..(I think thats the title) and the Concientious Marine Aquarist by Fenner(great book)
1 cleaner shrimp
about 9-12 astrea snails
1 red scarlet crab(small)
food...Local Pickup only(brine shrimp, blood worms, flake etc)
plastic backround(pure blue or has a design on one side)
1 small mag float cleaner
10g all glass tank(the back and bottom are painted blue with the krylic fusion paint from walmart) this is being used as my qt
10g Lights and hood..just the normal cheap ones when you buy a kit
1 more small ph currently in 10g
1 small 50w heater
I have some other small fish accesories if you are INTERESTED IN ANYTHIGN AT ALL either post here and make a reasonable offer or email me ASAP at I am willing to ship if you pay s/h and maybe a extremely small fee for making me have to beg my parents for a ride downtown to the post office..LolI hate to sell this but I have to so my loss is your guys and gals gain!
29g all glass tank
Really nice stand with cabinet door(spelling?) ITs black btw
Cpr Bak Pak skimmer...(model CYHO?)
Whipser HOB filter
2 power Heads(not sure of sizes at the moment)
30-40lbs of Cured Fiji Live rock(when I say cured I mean it..its been in tanks for about 3 years now and Is covered in sponges, worms, TONS AND TONS OF DARK PURPLE CORRALINE, etc..etc..) Extremely nice pieces
55Lbs of Live sand..tons and tons of critters
100w jager heater
175w Metal Halide Pendant with a 10k ushio gas hamilton bulb
Timer for the lights
Power strip
2 books (Saltwaterfish for dummies..(I think thats the title) and the Concientious Marine Aquarist by Fenner(great book)
1 cleaner shrimp
about 9-12 astrea snails
1 red scarlet crab(small)
food...Local Pickup only(brine shrimp, blood worms, flake etc)
plastic backround(pure blue or has a design on one side)
1 small mag float cleaner
10g all glass tank(the back and bottom are painted blue with the krylic fusion paint from walmart) this is being used as my qt
10g Lights and hood..just the normal cheap ones when you buy a kit
1 more small ph currently in 10g
1 small 50w heater
I have some other small fish accesories if you are INTERESTED IN ANYTHIGN AT ALL either post here and make a reasonable offer or email me ASAP at I am willing to ship if you pay s/h and maybe a extremely small fee for making me have to beg my parents for a ride downtown to the post office..LolI hate to sell this but I have to so my loss is your guys and gals gain!