Semi aggressive setup in 46g

bean 3

New Member
Hey, I've got a question I was hoping some of you could help me with. I'm not new to the board as I usually post under bean 1 but I switched email accounts so I will have to start over.
I have a 100g FOWLR with 5-6" DSB and 150# LR that has been up and running for several months without any problems. I have an assorted clean up crew (reef hermits, conch, sally, emerald, and various snails. In terms of fish: 2 false percs, saddle blenny, 6 line wrasse, foxface, coral beauty and green chromis.
I have recently cycled a 46g bow with 100# LR and 6" DSB. Tank has been cycled for a month an has a small clean up crew consisting of a Sally lightfoot, emerald, 6 reef hermits and a small assortment of snails. Finally the Question: I want to make this a semi-aggressive tank with a hawk, hamlet, and possible 1 other small active fish but I'm not aware of how compatible these species are together. I'm aware of a hawk's tendency to feed on shrimp but what about the crabs? I don't have any shrimp but I'm fond of my crabs! Dispite all the LR the tank still has alot of swimming room and plenty of caves and hiding spaces for the fish to feel comfotable. As far as the size of the tank, I will be purchasing a 300g + in the next year and a half that I want set up as a semi-aggressive so the fish wont be in a 46 for a terribly long time. We are getting ready to build our house and I don't want to set up a 300-500g tank to have to tear it down in a year. What about a 3rd fish that will do well once my larger tank is set up?
Future tank
Would like something over 300g with 300-500#LR
I've been saving up for a year and have the money finally but not the space until we move. In the future I would like to add the fish from the 46 with possibly a sociable trigger, lionfish, harlequin tusk, couple hamlets (one of my favorites at the LFS).
Thanks for yor help!