Separating Brain and Toadstool


Please help me out. As you can see by the picture I have a toadstool coral and a brain coral that have grown together. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get them apart?


Active Member
poor brain coral... if you pull them apart very slowly you may not damage the toadstool too much. I would then scrub any left over mushroom tissue off the brain or you have just fragged it and the poor brain will have another toadstool growing off it. good luck
PS do this in a bucket of tank water not in your tank so if anything tears you dont pollute your tank.


Active Member
Absolutely, do not do this in your main tank. I would probably put them in another tank for a few hours, just to be sure all the slime off the toadstool doesn't pollute your tank. The soft leathers produce a lot of slime if handled a lot. After that, run charcoal in the main tank for a few days as well. Good Luck! Oh, great picture.


Thanks for your help. I never would have thought to put it in a bucket of tank water. I aquired the corals this way and have been debating what to do for some time. I hope this works, both corals seem in good shape, especially the toadstool. I think my clown would be heartbroken to lose his favorite waterbed