Separation Anxiety???



I have a HUGE & healthy BTA. It has outgrown my tank. I would like to find it a new home but I am worried my pair of clowns will freak without it. The BTA is in a 24gal Nano. What do you think?? Will the clowns get over it or should I let them go with the BTA?? (I really don't want to get rid of the clowns, actually my co workers would kill me if the clowns go!!) Is there such a thing as a "tea cup" anemone??? Give me advice... please!!!!!
Thanks... Kim


Active Member
ur clowns will be just fine without the anemone. they might find it weird not having one but they will be ok. do not give them away =]
ur clowns will host almost everything! try leather coral. when it gets too big u can just fragg it and start all over
most kinds of corals will work too. try xenia


Thanks for your reply. The anemone has to go, I am keeping the clowns!!! Before they hosted the anemone they hosted in some zoos. I was concerned because they are quite attached to the anemone!!.. Thanks again.


Active Member
no problem =]

my old clowns i had in my 20 gal ,that i had to give away,where hosting a mushroom shaped rock with some hair algea. they were so cute!