Seperate sump and refuge

rabid frog

Active Member
Is it okay to have them seperate, I already have a sump but would like to add a refuguim(sp?) I have a rio 1700 for a return on the sump what would I need for the return of the refuguim and what size over flow? Here is my idea.


Refuguim tend to do better with less flow so going with a seperate overflow and return pump may not be the best idea for a refuguim. So try to have the seperate overflow dump into the sump and "T" of your return pump with a ball valve to go to refugium. Next you want to have your refugium gravity fed into your sump via bulk heads and returned to your main tank via your return pump. Sorry if its confusing maybe someone can simplify it a little more. HTH

rabid frog

Active Member
If I "T" my return pump do I have to get a bigger return pump. I am thinking it would need the same return while dumping off into the refugium right, which would call for one with more gph. Let me know if I m the right track. Thanks for the help and the suggestion, it makes sense.

rabid frog

Active Member
the only thing is I cant have my refugium gravity fed into the main tank, but I could raise it up enough under the tank to be gravity fed into the sump, I think. How much room would I need under there??


No you would WANT to have gravity fed into the sump NOT the main tank. Im doing the samething with my sump/refugium set up . I have a 20 gal sump and im in the process of setting up a 10 gal refugium. I am going to put the 10 gal fuge on blocks. You may or may not need a bigger pump that depends on how hard your current overflow is pushing it. I have a mag 7 on my 125 now and the overflow is matched up perfectly for it, so im going to try to "T' off and see how much I lose... trail and error i guess. But on your first idea you were going to have second pump anyway. Remember you want minimum flow in the fuge.


Hi All, Here is my set up. Sorry for the picture the colors stink on it. But my sump is connected to my refuge via a maxi-jet 1200 1/2" tubing. the refuge overflows via a 1" tube back to the sump. Within the sump i have a broken powersweep 228 set at low. I use a rio 3100 for my return line. So far i have seen plenty of pods ( alive) get pump into my main tank :D :p

rabid frog

Active Member
cool pic, good idea of putting it on blocks c_bell. I think I want to replace the rio anyways, how can I have the 10 or 20 gal fuge gravity feed into the sump without drilling holes into the glass?


tee off of your overflow that currently leads to your sump, have the fge higher than the sump (as stated above) have it dump into your compartment that houses your return pump, and the return for your sum will return it to the tank. by going off of your overflow as opposed to your return line, you do not have to take into account the increased head pressure for the fittings, thus saving having to buy a larger return pump.


forgot to address the not drilling issue.... really the best and safest way to work it is with a drilled hole. if you do not want to drill glass either look for a used acrylic tank and drill it, or use a cheap plastic container from any megastore, rubbermade works well, bu there are a ton of brands to choose from. look at some of the other threads the last couple days for some more pics.


you can take it by a local glass store to have them drill it, or sometimes I've seen LFS that will drill the also.