Serious question?

nm reef

Active Member
...for a couple of years now I've been using a Canon G5 and I'm on the verge of purchasing a Canon EOS XT with the stock 18-55mm Lense. My question is this.....if you were to purchase one additional lense which would you pick and why?
My photography skills are fairly basic and I take a relatively wide range of photos from macro shots of aquariums to photos of family gatherings to scenic shots when traveling and even some local sporting events. I'd like to have a pair of lenses that could accomodate the range of topics listed. So.......which would you pick?


I have no advice on the lenses, but I can tell you the Cannon Rebel XT takes fine pics. From what I've personally seen the high-end Olympus digi's are the best, and my opinion is based on many photos I've seen snapped with one. I have an ol' Sony that will be up-graded to this shortly.......


Active Member
Hey NM, I have the rebel XT and I am looking into getting the EF 100mm f/2.8 macro usm based on reviews and pictures I have seen. I would like to buy one locally to check it out first but I haven't been able to find a store that carries it. Later I may look at an IS (image stabilizer) adapter. Just my 2.36 yen!
Also check out for some nice tutorials.


I have the Digital Rebel EOS XT and LOVE it. I just have the regular lens that came with it and we are looking into getting another one also. Hubby does Schutzhund with our dogs and we want one to really catch them in action. Just wanted to tell you that you will not be disappointed with the Rebel. And I LOVE the zero delay, I used to lose lots of good shots but not now! LOL! I have to admit that I mostly use it on the auto settings. The manual ones are too complicated for me and I have to get my manual out to use it that way every time.

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Titan
I have no advice on the lenses, but I can tell you the Cannon Rebel XT takes fine pics. From what I've personally seen the high-end Olympus digi's are the best, and my opinion is based on many photos I've seen snapped with one. I have an ol' Sony that will be up-graded to this shortly.......

I've looked at that exact package for just under $900 but I believe I'll stick to the canon line...I've been real happy with both Canon digital cameras I've owned and I think I'll stick with them if only because I am familiar with the products. You can teach a old dog new tricks but this old dog would prefer to avoid climbing a new learning curve if at all possible,
Thanks for the response ... and I'm sure that evoly e-500 will be a great camera for you.

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by jailbreak
I use a digital from Walmart $15 works great!!!!

There was a time when a cheaper digital camera may have met my needs....but....for one I don't do business with Wal-Mart unless I absolutely must.....and your Wal_Mart special may not catch photos like this.....but thanks just the same.

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by mrdc
Hey NM, I have the rebel XT and I am looking into getting the EF 100mm f/2.8 macro usm based on reviews and pictures I have seen. I would like to buy one locally to check it out first but I haven't been able to find a store that carries it. Later I may look at an IS (image stabilizer) adapter. Just my 2.36 yen!
Also check out for some nice tutorials.
Thanks for the response......based on the path I'm following I may be going in the same direction. I've spent the morning checking out possible combinations and options and at this point what really looks good is a Rebel XT body with a 28-135mm IS USM lense for everyday stuff ($419.95) and a 100mm 2.8 macro lense for the up close and personal stuff ($469.95)
But at those prices I may be a few months off from making a purchase....good things come to those that wait. "Till then I'll have to continue making do with my lil G5....


Active Member
I read my manual in full today so I will have to practice with all the settings tonight. The wife gave me the evil eye last night when I mentioned the price of the lense. I may look for a great quality used lense though I like buying things new. I would also like to know 3rd party lenses is as good as the Canon 100mm macro lense.

nm reef

Active Member
I'd prefer new personally...the price is steep but at least new there is the company warranty plus most places you can spend a bit extra and get extended coverage. I always prefer to buy new and cover my investment.


Active Member
The Canon EF lenses work on the rebel and 20d. Hit some pawn shops. It doesn't have to be a Canon brand either. Sigma makes a less expensive line for EF Canons. I would spend the extra bucks for the 20d because of it's speed. Lightning fast start-up and a continuous 5 fps for 23 frames. If you take action shots this will be quite an asset. The 20d body can be had for $650 if you shop the internet. The big auction site is NOT the best place to get one. (been tracking them for a few months now)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Titan
I have no advice on the lenses, but I can tell you the Cannon Rebel XT takes fine pics. From what I've personally seen the high-end Olympus digi's are the best, and my opinion is based on many photos I've seen snapped with one. I have an ol' Sony that will be up-graded to this shortly.......
I have an E-1 for sale if you're interested.
When it sells we're buying the 20d. Already have an assortment of lenses from EOS film cameras. Some reviews even favor the color of the film lenses over the supposed "digital" lenses. We have used Sony, Pentax, Canon, Olympus, Kodak (and a few el-cheapos), but prefer the Canons. My wife also uses a Hasselblad medium format for pro portrait work. We'd like to get a Phase One digital back for the Hasselblad, but that's a boo-koo dollar investment.
ps Mods, if the link is inappropriate please nuke it

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
The Canon EF lenses work on the rebel and 20d. Hit some pawn shops. It doesn't have to be a Canon brand either. Sigma makes a less expensive line for EF Canons. I would spend the extra bucks for the 20d because of it's speed. Lightning fast start-up and a continuous 5 fps for 23 frames. If you take action shots this will be quite an asset. The 20d body can be had for $650 if you shop the internet. The big auction site is NOT the best place to get one. (been tracking them for a few months now)
That is a heck of a price on the 20d body...but I wonder about the reliability of the vendor. I'll check around and see what folks have to say about them. I'd like to go with the 20d if it fits into my price range. Thats for the info.

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by V-Lioness
I like the Canon Rebel XT but have the Fugi 9000, try this site, it will give you info about each camera & you can compare the camera's.
Hope it Helps......

I'm aware of that review site as well as a couple of others. I've grown accustom to using Canon and that alone is reason enough for me to stay with Canon. I do read the reviews and still think I'll stay with either the rebel XT or maybe if the price is right the 20d...


those prices are out the roof! i am also planning on getting one. just check the great bidding site. they have cheap brand new lenses.


Royal Cameras is a ripoff! As well as Butterflyphoto and a bunch of others. Cheapest and most reliable site I've found is . I use to have the link to a webpage that listed Royal Cameras, Butterfly Photo, and all the other names that this one company uses. You order the 20d body really cheap, they call you to double check your credit card number then try to upsell you on tons of horrible, "expensive" equipment. If you don't buy the extra's they just mess with you and your credit card. Beware....!! (And they've taken the time to plant good reviews on the feedback websites to dispel the bad ones).
Hey found something