Seriously, how high will my power bill be??


Active Member
I'm in the process of setting up a 120g right now, and am really concerned about my power bill once i get it up and running. I've kept numerous nano's and double-digit-sized aquariums in the past, but have never gone large-scale like this
So here's what I'll be running - How much will it cost me monthly with all this going? and will I need multiple wall outlets or dedicated circuits?
2x250w HQI retrofit w/ 2x96w watt actinics
ASM G3 Skimmer with Sedra 5000 pump
Mag18 return pump
2x250w heaters


sent a pm that might help you finding the cost
i have come up with some where between $40 and $60 a month but depends on how long you run the lights and how much you pay for electricity, hope that helps


Active Member
i have a little more draw than you, and i pay 100 extra.
i would most certainly have a dedicated circuit for the tank. i have 2.


Active Member
go to --, they have a elec calculator to help figure it out...have to know what the elec companies charges you first...but then you can put in all the wattages and hrs you plan on running it.