Set-Up for Reef Tank


New Member
Just P/U a 75g all glass fish tank and I would like to drill holes in glass for sump. Can anyone tell me were to put holes L & R side and how far down from the top edge. If I put the holes to far down then it will overflow the sump when power goes off. Sump will be most likely a 20g long :notsure:


Active Member
Welocome to the boards!
First make sure that the glass you're drilling isn't tempered or you will just make many small pcs of glass and have no tank. I believe its recommended to have the holes 1.5x hole size from the edges of the glass. After you get the holes drilled you can calculate what will come out of the MT (main tank) in power out and figure how much room you will need in the sump to cover, so you won't have a flood.