set up ideal tank...


Ok, I am totally disappointed with my 55 gal tank.
I want to have my puffer fish and some cool inverts. I have a blue hippo that will need to be transferred into this other tank once it's set up, and also a mandarin dragonet.
Please tell me everything I need to make sure I get what I want...
What size tank?
How much live rock? I WILL put in live sand this time around too!
Maximum fish in tank?
Also, what fish and inverts are compatible with puffers?
Can I keep a couple of different puffers in the same tank?
Also, what would be your ideal tank? What fish and inverts would you like to see together?


ok wait...
I will have the large tank be a fish only tank with the puffer(s), blue hippo, and mandarin dragonet. It will have live rock and live sand.
What fish will be compatible with the above fish? How many puffers and what type? And how big of a tank should I get for all this?
The 55 gal tank I have now will be converted into a reef tank with live rock and live sand. I will do a reef package, but what fish go in a reef tank?
Thanks! :thinking: