Setting the 215 back up after a few years


I have been out of the hobby since roughly 2007-2008 but never had the heart to get rid of my tank. Last night after quite a bit of effort we managed to get the 600lb monster up the steps and to the living room. I plan on starting to set it back up again but am curious if anything has changed dramatically in the hobby. Perhaps new technology that nobody can live without! Presently I have the 215 gallon reef tank by Oceanic with matching sump below. I still have the Iwaki pump and metal halide lighting plus all the small accessories that go with it. I still even have a lot of the rock which is obviously dead but I will just mix it with some fresh new live rock.
I also have the luxury of living about 2 miles from the beach in Ft. Lauderdale and I dive a lot. The plan is to bring in some ocean water and sand to speed up the setup then catch a good amount of what I plan to stock it with while diving. Don't worry I have already checked the rules and local regulations. If anyone has any experience here I would love to hear it as I use to always use my LFS.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Have you check the load of this bad boy in the living room floor. Most residence are design for 100lbs a square foot. Water weighs about 8lbs per gallon plus your rocks and tank. I hate to see your tank back in your basement. Sound like you have the dream conditions for starting a reef tank, cant wait to see pictures. Welcome back


Luckily my present home is industrial design so all the floors are concrete slab. Weight won't be an issue. That being said when I first bought the tank I never considered your point until someone approached me in the parking lot while loading the tank and made that exact comment. I proceeded with caution and it lived a happy life on the second floor for years. Not to say there was not many sleepless nights the first week. Every time the floor creaked I damn near had a heart attack.