Setting Up 20g - Please Give Me Your Opinions

Okay, well for the past several months I've been doing a lot of research and getting advice from a lot of people on this board and a few others on setting up a s.w. tank. I've reached my final plan and I would like everyones advice to make sure it will work. Here's what I plan to do:
20g Glass Tank
2 50W Heaters
AquaClear HOB Power Filter
JBJ SP1300 Power Head
Oceanic Sea Salt
20lbs Fiji Live Rock
20lbs Live Sand
1-2 False Percula Clowns
1 Neon Goby
I plan on doing daily topoffs and 10-15% weekly water changes.
I have 2 extra power filters that I can use for extra current should I use one or not, and should I use carbon or anything like that? Will this setup work? All advice, tips, and suggestions would be great!


sounds great, you can use the filters a water movement, but you will also want a powerhead or 2, buy some carbon and a filter sock, and keep it on had incase of an emergency.


Also If you could...add a few pounds of some kind of Base rock...would help with the natural filtration over time....also help fill the tank a lil better.

a short

I have a 20 high and love it! Why 2 heaters? My female clown loves to cuddle up behind my heater to sleep at night, the male just bounces in the other corner. Maby I should get him one for the other corner to have a warm cuddly spot to?:D I also have a LM blenny and a pair of cleaner shrimp with a small clean up crew. I love the shrimp, they add lots of color and are interesting to watch at feeding time. I have a HOB just for surface aggitation and run it empty except when I put in a filter with carbon about once a month. I also do a small water change weekly and have a small Ph directed behind rockwork and an occilating power head at the top of the tank for a switching current. What you have sounds good. I like the look of the 20 high better personally:)


Active Member
I have a 20 thats been going for over two years now . . . you can see a thread on it in the nano forum if you do a search for "007's 22 gallon"
I would swap the two heaters for one 100w heater. Its less space consuming as space in a 20 gallon is rather limited. Just be sure to get a good heater like an Ebo Jager or Won Brothers.
I would ditch the power filter, get a HOB skimmer instead like a Bak Pak . . . thats where you can run your carbon if you want.
Also, get two powerheads, stick em in the corners pointing at eachother. I use 2 MaxiJets and love em.
Also, go for at least 35# LR. Its a good look with that much, full, but not too full.