Setting up a 120gal community tank


New Member
Hi all, I have a 120gal tank 84"L 18"h 18"w and i would like to set it up as a community tank FOWLR. I would like to have some clownfishes, schooling fish and some other kinded, Don't know which ones yet. All i have is the tank + stand, What kind of filters system would i need and lighting. And this is my first SW. Thank you mick.


Active Member
Does the tank have built in overflows? If so I would use a wet/dry, and a refugium under the tank for filtration. If it doesn't have built in overflows you can buy overflows that hang on the back of the tank.
Lighting for a FOWLR is just a matter of preferance. Whatever you think looks the best. My FOWLR I have about 1 watt per gallon using pc's 50/50 bulbs, and it looks fine to me.
As far as fish I would probably get a pair of perc clowns, and for schooling fish you could get some blue/green chromis. They stay fairly small so you could put a few in there to get them to school. You could probably get away with adding a few other smaller fish as well. Such as a bengaii cardinal, royal gramma, six line wrasse, etc. After the tank has been running a while I would look into adding a tang of some sort. Maybe a yellow, or sailfin. Just be sure to stock the tank slowly. Maybe 1 fish every couple of weeks.