Setting up a 90gallon


New Member
I currently have a 55 gallon aquarium with an anemone live rock, and fish. I am going to get a 90 gallon predrilled. I know I must have a wet/dry filtration system. I have a UV light for the new aquarium as well as 230 watt compact light, and two power heads and one heater. I was wondering what else I need because some people say I would need a calcium reactor. So I was wanting to know if I need the calcium reactor, and what other equipment that I need.
Thank you


Originally Posted by kaddy_522
I currently have a 55 gallon aquarium with an anemone live rock, and fish. I am going to get a 90 gallon predrilled. I know I must have a wet/dry filtration system. I have a UV light for the new aquarium as well as 230 watt compact light, and two power heads and one heater. I was wondering what else I need because some people say I would need a calcium reactor. So I was wanting to know if I need the calcium reactor, and what other equipment that I need.
Thank you
Nice upgrade. You don't have to have a wet/dry system...though they do the job. As far as a calcium reactor, if you are going full blown reef, I think they are probably extremely helpful, but not absolutley necessary. If you are doing fish only...or just softies there would be no need for the reactor. Just make sure you have strong lighting for that anemone...someone else would have to chime in..not sure if what you have is going to be strong enough for a 90 gallon. I would suggest multiple heaters rather than one. Set one at your desired temp and then set others at lower temps in case your first fails. Protein skimmers are great...especially if you are going reef. It will help keep the nitrates down. Other than that I think you are on your way.


Active Member
If you are doing a reef I would ditch the UV sterilizer, you don't need a wet/dry system. You can build yourself a simple sump for a skimmer, I would personally go with a phos reactor over a calcium reactor unless you are going to be heavily stocking the tank with SPS. Water changes and a little two part are usually sufficiant keeping the CA and ALK in check in that size of a tank. Especially if you are not going to have a ton of calcium demanding corals.
If you want to keep that nem you are going to have to get something stronger than PC's. You will have to get a T5 or MH light setup.