New Member
Hi, Setting up a cheapo FO 29 gallon with damsels. I've got everything--but have a filter question. I've got a UG filter but need to purchase a fair amount of substrate. I've got 20lbs of crushed coral but need more. Has anyone used mini marble chips (used for landscaping) as a UG substrate. Also, alternative is to use an old canister filter? Would that be better? And should I put bioballs or ceramic rings where the activated carbon would go (heard carbon is not good in marine tanks--removes trace elements or something). So I've got those 2 choices. I have an aquaclear HOB filter that I can use if I go UG. And please don't try to sell me on live rock--I'm not doing anything exotic here. This is a 1970s style fish only tank with ***** damsels. And maybe later on I'll invest in a skimmer. So what would I be better off with, UG or canister? And if canister, should I replace the carbon with bioballs or rings? Thanks.