SEtting up a good DSB...


I keep hearing the term DSB, I've asertained that this is a dia. sand bed, but that's it so far. A little more info would be great.
I'm assuming that this is a form of natural filtration?
I've got 1/2"-3/4" of sand in the bottom of my tank. My filtration is by 2 powerheads w/ sponge filters (not UGFs) and a Penguin 170. Tank is 3 weeks old and is home to 8# live rock, 2 yellow tail damsels and a porcupine puffer (he's moving out next week). I want to setup a reef tank w/ eels and clowns.

nm reef

Active Member
hello and welcome to the board......personally I think this is a great spot to gather&share info about reefs.......sounds like you are off to a running start with yours.......without being rude I'd suggest maybe slow down a little and research/read/read/read/research/read/ask questions/read.....etc etc........
to answer what I can so far for you.....DSB=deep sand bed(an excellent natural filtration)......I've added a link to a site that has some basic info about filtration types.....has a good section on LS(live sand) & LR(live rock)....check 'em out.......and keep askin/readin/researchin.....and let us know how your system developes
<a href="" target="_blank">filtration info</a>

kris walker

Active Member
Hi Prudensac, welcome to the board. If you want sand for a DSB, you can look at the Fish Discussion board for the post "Hey CA. we r ordering more South Down !!!!!!!!!". Since you live in Sacramento, you may want to get in on this offer.


Hi and welcome! One quick question comes to mind, What size tank?
I would also suggest you read alot about the livestock you plan to add, and be extra sure that each species is compatible with the others.
3 weeks seems like a very short time to have passed the cycle, and you have alot in there already. I encourage you to slow down, the success in the end is well worth the wait!
The DSB question has been answered many times, use the search feature for "DSB" and you will get tons of info.


Tank is 40g.
The water in my area is 0's right out of the tap (I had a 65g FW for 2yrs), so I felt somewhat confortable w/ putting the damsels in after a week. The puffer was a "rescue" that was introduced 3 days ago, it was my tank or... so I took him in. I'm moving him to a new home next week, I'll be sad to see the little guy go. :(
I've been testing the water and it's still very good, nitrate 10, PH 8.0, Gr 1.021. Haven't changed any water yet, I was waiting for week 4 to do that. I'm only 3weeks into SW so I'm very open to comments, and I really do appreciate every single one of them.
After I take the Puffer out, what should I be doing? And for how long?


What does your ammonia read..Just curious..That seems like alot in such little time.Nothing in saltwater can be rushed. Your fish may look healthy until one day........Also make sure you setup a quarrantine tank. This will save alot of headaches in the future.