setting up a new tank 29 gal


Hello guys I am not new to the hobby but I have been out of it for quite some time now... I am in need of some help in getting this set up correctly .... Looking for a filter not sure what is the best choice ... On my old tank I ran a wet/dry sump filtration unit on my 85 gal reef tank .So its time to get started again...So any help will be much appreciated... Thanks


How would you hook up the skimmer with no sump? I was looking at a marineland pro style filter with the bio balls .. uv sterlizer needed or not ..


Well-Known Member
lilclowns, I told you to do more research before you give misinformation to new hobbyists.
First of all, how big exactly is your tank and what are you planning to keep?
Yes, I do recommend to have a filter and a protein skimmer. Possibly even a hang on back refugium if you don't want a sump. Most people now days run GFO or chemipure Elite in their filters, and some filters can even be modified to be hang on tank refugiums. A refugium is a separate container that provides a refuge for critters and macroalgaes to grow without predation. Not only do you have to have filtration, but also decent flow rates. You'll learn all of this by reading and research.
I highly recommend reading the 101 tips and tricks page in the new hobbyist forum, and also check out my "Snake's Methods" Thread where you will find a lot of valuable information.
Depending on the size of your tank, I highly recommend Emperor Biowheel filters. They are sturdy and last a long time. They are spacious enough to hide heaters in and if you get the 400 model, can be easily used as a refugium with a clip on light. As far as protein skimmers, again, it depends on the size of your aquarium. I recommend going plus one with whatever you get. It means to get the next size up for your tank. Stay away from coralife and Seaclone brand protein skimmers.


A sump with a protein skimmer and a refuge is definitely worth it. If you don't want to use a sump, a good canister filter would be good. It would help us a lot if we new what size tank you have. But like snake said, read all that great information you will learn a lot. In addition to a good canister filter, they have protein skimmers that hang on your tanks, and even hang on refugiums that are like 5 gallons, every little bit helps. The more natural your tank is, the better it will function!


I answered this before you told me. Can you please not give me a hard time. I'm trying
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/390326/setting-up-a-new-tank-29-gal#post_3455989
lilclowns, I told you to do more research before you give misinformation to new hobbyists.
First of all, how big exactly is your tank and what are you planning to keep?
Yes, I do recommend to have a filter and a protein skimmer. Possibly even a hang on back refugium if you don't want a sump. Most people now days run GFO or chemipure Elite in their filters, and some filters can even be modified to be hang on tank refugiums. A refugium is a separate container that provides a refuge for critters and macroalgaes to grow without predation. Not only do you have to have filtration, but also decent flow rates. You'll learn all of this by reading and research.
I highly recommend reading the 101 tips and tricks page in the new hobbyist forum, and also check out my "Snake's Methods" Thread where you will find a lot of valuable information.
Depending on the size of your tank, I highly recommend Emperor Biowheel filters. They are sturdy and last a long time. They are spacious enough to hide heaters in and if you get the 400 model, can be easily used as a refugium with a clip on light. As far as protein skimmers, again, it depends on the size of your aquarium. I recommend going plus one with whatever you get. It means to get the next size up for your tank. Stay away from coralife and Seaclone brand protein skimmers.


Well guys n gals (not to offend)
I have a 29 gallon tank 30L x12D x18H.
My plans so far are this 40 lbs caribsea live sand unsure type yet ...
40+lbs of live rock unsure type yet..
corals. a lot for sure
a few fish I'm sure...
lighting 2 power compact lights unsure yet on the brand.
filter was thinking about the marine land pcml 360
heater submersible in a lifeguard heater module (hate seeing a heater in a tank)
reef crystals salt .
My first tank was a 85 gal tank with a pro-clear 150 protein skimmer pro-clear 125 gal wet/dry filter with cap 2200 pump lifeguard heater mod and UV sterilizer 2 Rio power heads the lighting was 4 vho 48'' tubes , 2- 24 '' power compacts all mounted in the canopy.I had 80 lbs of crushed aragonite don't remember how much live sand had 2 inches in it .100+lbs of live rock from Jason @ premium aquatics in Indy.corals up the wazoo.... You know the cost of all that ....I moved at the time of a nasty divorce and moved it to my sisters basement gave her money to store it there and my uncle conned her into selling it on me ..... Well he stole it if you ask me .... 250 bucks for all of it .... I still cant see straight when i think about it... UGHHHHHH.....
Well I never had any problems with it in the 5 years it was up and running before the move .
Any help is much appreciate...
Thanks LNGLIV3


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by lngliv3 http:///t/390326/setting-up-a-new-tank-29-gal#post_3456235
Well guys n gals (not to offend)
I have a 29 gallon tank 30L x12D x18H.
My plans so far are this 40 lbs caribsea live sand unsure type yet ...
40+lbs of live rock unsure type yet..
corals. a lot for sure
a few fish I'm sure...
lighting 2 power compact lights unsure yet on the brand.
filter was thinking about the marine land pcml 360
heater submersible in a lifeguard heater module (hate seeing a heater in a tank)
reef crystals salt .
My first tank was a 85 gal tank with a pro-clear 150 protein skimmer pro-clear 125 gal wet/dry filter with cap 2200 pump lifeguard heater mod and UV sterilizer 2 Rio power heads the lighting was 4 vho 48'' tubes , 2- 24 '' power compacts all mounted in the canopy.I had 80 lbs of crushed aragonite don't remember how much live sand had 2 inches in it .100+lbs of live rock from Jason @ premium aquatics in Indy.corals up the wazoo.... You know the cost of all that ....I moved at the time of a nasty divorce and moved it to my sisters basement gave her money to store it there and my uncle conned her into selling it on me ..... Well he stole it if you ask me .... 250 bucks for all of it .... I still cant see straight when i think about it... UGHHHHHH.....
Well I never had any problems with it in the 5 years it was up and running before the move .
Any help is much appreciate...
Thanks LNGLIV3
So you are going from a 85g to a could take your sister and uncle to small claims court, I would love to watch this on Judge Judy. Your sister had no right to sell it if you paid her to store it, and your uncle has your stuff.
A canister filter (Fluval), and a Tunze nano skimmer is the route I would take. I would also go with T5HO lighting.
In that size tank I kept ... I would also keep a pair of seahorses and some compatible fish with them. Captive bred seahorses eat frozen mysis, and are as easy as any other fish to keep. After having an 85g you might get bored with a 29g unless you stock it with something unusual.


Well-Known Member
It's not my tank. I can't really tell yah what to do. All I can tell yah is my experiences. Personally, I wouldn't get a 29g. The dimensions of it are horrible for lighting systems. I would go with a 36" long 30g tank. Then get a nova extreme pro t5 lightin system and replace the bulbs with Ati brand. I would get an mp10 for circulation and an octopus hob skimmer with an emperor 280 bio wheel. It would also be barebottom. But that's only if I didn't have a sump system, but knowing me I would. Phosphate reactor, oversized skimmer and algae scrubber is an almost necessity. At least for me. Now, what you do is your thing. All I can do is give advice on how to fix your problems, not how to design your system.


Well the tank was free was supposed to be a 55 gal... The parts guy I work with wanted it out of is garage ... So free is a good price for me... I have been adding up the prices so I might just look for one that's being sold locally via the list... I'm kinda thinking of getting a 55 gal and using the 29 as a sump for a wet/dry filter floss pre filter bio-balls that way I can have an in sump skimmer just looking for ideas but haven't seen any that I can get sum ideas on how to do it...My Wife god love her she has been adding up prices and she is game but I have to forget about the new tool box I want .... Hmmmmm .


Well this is what I did today. Just a start still have to put the 1x on the sides to cover up the frame work and build the door yet ... This build is done on a budget I have less than $15.00 in it so far.


Heres some input, this is what I did with my stand and it makes it look a whole lot better, cut a 2x4 and put it against your legs you already have there, but wedge it in between the top and bottom pieces, it gives it a much better look, and adds extra integrity. Just screw that piece into the existing leg there.


Here is some more pics, from what I got done today... After we got back from our valentines day dinner, and a stop at Lowes ...


One of these days I will figure out uploading pics on the site. I hope tomorrow I can get the door made. Then I will sand and apply the finish.