setting up a new tank 29 gal


Threw a big ol shrimp in there now to wait .... Test kit is on the way . My wife went to the fish market, a seafood store by her work today . She walked in got a few things then here comes the laugh ... My wife gotta love her, she asks the person working the counter for 1 med raw shrimp. The owner is waiting on her. He asks 1 pound right ? My wife says no sir my husband needs just one raw shrimp. He asks y just 1 shrimp, she then proceeds to tell him the whole cycling of the tank procedure he gave her 2 said 2 is better than 1 no charge...


Well my tank has finished the cycle and is running strong ... All levels are looking great did a partial water, changed ten gallons sent to my qt tank along with my sponge filter that was in my dt during the cycle. I found a lfs that sells ro water that they premix with salt of ur choice reef crystals or instant ocean... O yea. so ghost fed the tank the past few days and all looks good ... The qt is ready heading to the lfs for a few new additions, looking at a couple green chromis's and a true perc the granddaughter wants a nemo fish.
I just got my new light last night ended up getting the coralife t5 ho 30 '' aqualight . The unit comes with a 10k bulb ans a 03 actinic bulb.. Looks great on the tank. I cant wait to get some life in there some polyps and some shrooms by the end of the week.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by lngliv3 http:///t/390326/setting-up-a-new-tank-29-gal/20#post_3464717
Well my tank has finished the cycle and is running strong ... All levels are looking great did a partial water, changed ten gallons sent to my qt tank along with my sponge filter that was in my dt during the cycle. I found a lfs that sells ro water that they premix with salt of ur choice reef crystals or instant ocean... O yea. so ghost fed the tank the past few days and all looks good ... The qt is ready heading to the lfs for a few new additions, looking at a couple green chromis's and a true perc the granddaughter wants a nemo fish.
I just got my new light last night ended up getting the coralife t5 ho 30 '' aqualight . The unit comes with a 10k bulb ans a 03 actinic bulb.. Looks great on the tank. I cant wait to get some life in there some polyps and some shrooms by the end of the week.
You won't be adding anything until it is finished in the QT tank first, correct?
How large is the QT?...A 40g is large enough for three fish to add at once...but 20g or smaller (I have a 10g QT for example) would be overtaxed...2 small fish only. You also want to purchase two clowns at once. I would either get the two chromis, or two perc clowns.


the qt tank is 10 gallons.. Yes 3-4 weeks in the qt tank correct???? But its OK to get some corals like polyps and shrooms. Frags most likely.corals don't have to be quarantined do they ? As far as inverts its OK to add them to the dt now? Do you have to quarantine anemone's also?
Does anyone have any input on the coralife aqua light dual t5 ho light system???
Thanks ...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by lngliv3 http:///t/390326/setting-up-a-new-tank-29-gal/20#post_3464927
the qt tank is 10 gallons.. Yes 3-4 weeks in the qt tank correct???? But its OK to get some corals like polyps and shrooms. Frags most likely.corals don't have to be quarantined do they ? As far as inverts its OK to add them to the dt now? Do you have to quarantine anemone's also?
Does anyone have any input on the coralife aqua light dual t5 ho light system???
Thanks ...
4 weeks in the QT is what I always thought was correct. One person said 8 weeks. If a critter is eating and healthy after 4 weeks and no ich..I say it's okay, but a new beginner may not recognize a problem and 8 weeks might be the wiser choice.
Every Coralife thing I ever owned was crap...I had a MH light unit, a master controller, a skimmer...all garbage IMO. Find another brand.
I personally never quarantined an invert or coral. By God's good grace I never got flatworms or coral eating nudibranches. You can dip some corals in Lugals solution but not all coral...I know for sure not brain corals, I killed a nice brain dipping it.
An anemone...I don't see how you could because they need such bright light and need to find a happy place in the tank. Few people have the kind of light an anemone needs on a QT.


Well my tank is done cycling or so I thought .I have been seeing this stuff I'm thinking it is in the diatom stage will this pass or do I need to clean it out? And a couple of pics of my harry mushroom and my zoo frag... I do have 3 hermit crabs and 3 snails...


It sHould pass on its own slowly. In my opinion, I would bump up your snail count to about 15 or 20 of varying types. Some sift sand while others will even munch on the diatoms.
Good luck and hope all goes well!