Setting up a QT with DT water

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Well seems like an adjacent topic from my vent thread is the use of DT water when setting up your QT. I questioned a hobbyists post to someone's thread about using said water. The response was to the effect that they read it on line.
I personally feel that I have an obligation to agree with information I am giving out as apposed to just passing something on. IMO using DT water does nothing to help in the setup a QT in fact it may be harmful. My reasoning is this.
If you are taking water out of your DT you are setting up your QT after the fact. Perhaps you have come to the concussion that to quarantine all new inhabitants is the way to go. Taking water out of your DT means you have to add water to replace the water taken out. SO why not just add the new water directly to your QT? Lets assume you have fish in your DT and the reason you are setting up a QT tank is to use it for treatment,do you not run the risk of adding a disease in its free swimming stage into your QT ? What if you believe that the ick parasite can live in a state of diminished numbers in our tank only to become a full blown infestation when the conditions are right. Now we run the risk of adding DT water with the ick parasite in its free swimming stage into our QT. Our newly arrive fish are already stressed when we introduce them into our QT. As we know stress suppresses the immune system making the fish susceptible to ick that we many have introduced from our DT. Which would not happen if we used fresh saltwater.
Now I am sure these hobbyists that are telling others to use DT water have very good reasons for doing so. I await there reasoning


Active Member
Joe, I see no reason NOT to use my DT water. I know my DTs have to ich, or other stuff in them. I don't want to sound snotty, but I wouldn't tell anyone else to use their DT water---I have no idea what the do to keep stuff out. (I QT everything and use copper & a de-wormer on all new fish) But the idea that DT water will cycle a tank makes no sense, in fact, I think the idea that water is "cycled" is one of the biggest mis-conceptions beginners have. There may be as much aerobic bacteria in your living room air as in your DT water. (OK, exaggeration, but you get the point) I've said this a million times, here's 1,000,001. Keep a HOB filter on your QT. Keep extra sponges for it (no carbon) anywhere in your DT system. When you need QT, put one of the sponges in the HOB, the tank is now cycled. Toss the sponge when you're done, they're cheap.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
Joe, I see no reason NOT to use my DT water. I know my DTs have to ich, or other stuff in them. I don't want to sound snotty, but I wouldn't tell anyone else to use their DT water---I have no idea what the do to keep stuff out. (I QT everything and use copper & a de-wormer on all new fish) But the idea that DT water will cycle a tank makes no sense, in fact, I think the idea that water is "cycled" is one of the biggest mis-conceptions beginners have. There may be as much aerobic bacteria in your living room air as in your DT water. (OK, exaggeration, but you get the point) I've said this a million times, here's 1,000,001. Keep a HOB filter on your QT. Keep extra sponges for it (no carbon) anywhere in your DT system. When you need QT, put one of the sponges in the HOB, the tank is now cycled. Toss the sponge when you're done, they're cheap.
My good friend you are the exception to the rule. Most people set up a QT/HT after the fact (a problem has accrued). IMO there are more reasons NOT to use DT water then to use it as i have stated above
BTW this is a copy of my post in my vent thread
First thank you for your concern over my mental health. I am still not clear on where you stand as far as being adamant about having hobbyists read the stickys. I would like to know your personal feeling on using DT water in a QT setup.
New we come to the term setting up and an emergence set up. The thread i was referring to involved a NON emergency setup. The only reason I can see for using DT water is if you must transfer a fish from your DT to a HT immediately. This would eliminate any down time to acclimate the fish going form your DT to you HT and you can start treatment immediately.
Now as far as the bacteria gain mentioned I have never seen any published info stating that bacteria present in the water column if any and transfer to a QT/HT benefits the setup.
This of course does not mean that it is not so. I would love to further my knowledge by reading such info if it excises as well as it out weighing the risk of cross contamination.
Also as you point out Sir . I wonder how many hobbyists know that the great majority of nitrirfing bacteria are actually introduce into our tanks via the atmosphere


so in the case of a hospital tank that you are setting up once you see something wrong I would think it would be beneficial to us DT water so you dont stress the fish out any more than it allready is. Maybe changing the perameters a bit with new RO/water wont make a difference, but I doubt that anyone actually knows this except the fish.
You are the expert here. If there is little to no good bacteria in the water which we know to be true, then can the same be said for the bad stuff as well? In which case who would care if you used DT water or new water since its all just water. In my case i use a small piece of LR in my QT since I dont have any mechanical filtration and it is supposed to give the fish some sort of structure in the tank for hiding behind. this works for a QT tank since there is no medication going in there. but if you were going to use it for a HT then you might as well throw the rock away afterwards or have another way to get the good bacteria in the tank and maybe use a plastic aquarium piece (castle or something) for the structure.
Let me know if any of this makes sense. Again, you are the expert here, I don't think anyone is questioning you know more about this than I. Afterall, I got most of my info off of this site in the stickys or similar sites that are dedicated to particular subjects I have questions on at the time.
I hope that you didnt take my devils advocate thing in your other thread the wrong way. I simply wanted to state why people might come to this site looking for answers. I think everyone that read the thread got your point.
The trashcan thing was meant to be funny, but judging by your responses I think you probably took it as a personal attack.
Heres a hug and hope you have a better day/week/month whatever..


Active Member
IMO, there would be no benefit of using DT water over aged fresh saltwater.
If I needed like 5 gallons really fast, I may take 5 from the volitans tank while I stabilized some new stuff to replace the 5 in the DT and the QT/HT.
I don't believe it will hurt anything... they are going in their anyways.