Setting up a Quarantine tank


Can somebody please describe the use of a QT and how to set one up? What is a good sizE? Does it need a protein skimmer? Is there a cheap filter I could use? I have an unused 10 gallon tank and stand that I could set up as a QT, but I'm not sure what it should have.
Here are some questions
1) What substrate, if any, and how much?
2) What filtration would be cheap and adequate?
3) What, if any protein skimming would be cheap and adequate?
4) Would I have to keep it running at all times, or just during quarantine, and if it's not in use, will the water/substrate be harmed by leaving it off with water inside?
5) When is a good time to use a QT?
Thanks in advance :)


Active Member
I would be glad to help you.
Here are some questions
Originally Posted by smith6ar
1) What substrate, if any, and how much?
No substrate at all in the quarantine tank.
Originally Posted by smith6ar
2) What filtration would be cheap and
A hang on the back Marineland bio-wheel filter would be fine.
Originally Posted by smith6ar
3) What, if any protein skimming would be cheap and adequate?
No skimmer is needed for such a small tank. Water changes will do just fine.
Originally Posted by smith6ar

4) Would I have to keep it running at all times, or just during quarantine, and if it's not in use, will the water/substrate be harmed by leaving it off with water inside?
Run it all the time, and when there is nothing in it, just throw some food in there and feed the "fake fish". Do not overfeed the "fake" fish though, or you will get nitrates. This is done so that you do not have to cycle the tank over and over.
Originally Posted by smith6ar

5) When is a good time to use a QT?
Anytime you add ANYTHING live to the tank - This includes fish, inverts, and coral.
If you have any more questions, please ask!


Active Member
Lion, my understanding is that the QT will initially have to go through a cycle as well. Will a peice of LR help in the cycle (then take it out after the cycle has completed)
This is what I have will it work (for a 135 gallon DT with a 42 gallon sump & fuge) for a QT?
10 gallon
Penguin 350 bio wheel filter
I know I will need to purchase a heater. I don't need to get a light though right? I was going to place it under the tank next to my the light from the sump would also provide light to the QT....