Originally Posted by
Ok, im tired of my fish getting sick. So i am going to set up a quarantine tank, I already have a 30 gal tank i can use. Now can someone please help me set one up? What kind of filtration should i use? I have a 90+ gal canister filter, a heater, and i only use ro water from a water filter unit we had installed for our saltwater tank. Do i use live rock? what should the salt levels be in the quarantine and how long do they stay in there?
Beth has a good write up on how to set up a quarantine tank in the archived files at the top of this forum section.
Sounds like you have many of the basics. Tank, simple filtration, heater. Most people do nout use live rock in their QTs. Usually little or no substrate
and black painted (paint on the oustside glass surfaces

)bottom and back.
Decorations/hiding places....plastic decorations or pieces of pvc pipe.
Definitions: DT: Display TAnk
QT: Quarantine Tank
HT: Hospital Tank
Many will keep the salinity of the QT the same as their DT. All new purchases
are kept in the QT for observation for 3-6 weeks. If a problem is noted then the problem is treated in the QT (which technically becomes an HT..).