setting up a reef


Active Member
i want to start a small reef tank i already have an aggressive one and want something new i want to go with a 30 gallon or so with a pair of clowns and maybe another small fish i was just wanting to know what people think as far as a good clean-up crew goes and also eventually some really colorful corals and anemones, any input helps!


Active Member
Start with the rock then add fish. Then add polyps and shrooms. In 6-8 months come back and ask what to add next. Remember slow is the way to go. water quality and lights are the most important things for a reef.


Active Member
What kind of lights are you going to put up? I highly recommend T-5's, they are great lights, low price, and really brings out colors. Plus they are good for most corals.
And as ninjamini said, take it slow.


Active Member
yea ive done reef tanks for other ppl but never myself and i was deffinately planning on t-5 or mh ive never tried t-5's so that may be what i go with.