setting up a refugium

I'm going to set up a 20-25 gallon refugium underneath my 125 gallon tank. I'm planning to buy a CPR continuous siphon overflow which will provide 600 gph. I was wondering if I could just use my canister filter to pump the water out of the refugium back to the main tank. The filter is a magnum 350 pro. It pumps (can you guess) 350 gph. Can I use this setup or should I use a water pump? The water pump I have in mind if I can't use the filter is called "The Quiet One" . You can adjust it's output by using a ball valve but at full power it provides 1140 gph. Which is a better way to return the water to my main tank, water pump or canister filter? Thanks for your help.

mr . salty

Active Member
Actually neither of these would make a good REFUGIUM return pump.A refugium requires a very slow water flow rate to be effective(less than 100gph)...Unless you are talking about building a SUMP.Then the Quiet one would be better.