Setting up a seahorse tank


I have a 15 gallon with an ecilpse hood (small pieces of live rock in the overhead filter). The tank has some live rock and caulerpa in the tank with 3 1/2" of live sand. Currently there is a chromis in that tank with hermit crabs (the tank has been running for about 6 months). Am thinking of making this a seahorse tank possibily a dwarf seahorse tank. Am looking for some directions on where to begin. Thanks


You couldn't really do anything but Dwarf Seahorses in that size tank. Seahorses need to be in a tank at least three times their unfurled height. For example, if a seahorse is six inches long from coronet to tip of tail, the tank would need to be at least eighteen inches high. This is an ideal environment as it allows them to court naturally, among other things.
If you did go with Dwarf Seahorses, you'd have to get rid of the Chromis and hermit crabs... Do some more digging around this forum and you'll find all the answers you need