Setting up Aquarium Business?


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Has anyone been or is involved with setting up aquairums as a business? I'm interested to hear comments or advice, bad expereinces, what to look out for, anything..


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You'd be surprised what people in downtown Chicago, OakBrook, etc.. will pay to have someone do all the work.. They don't want to bother with online ordering or going to a LFS, or what it costs. They just want it no matter what it takes.


I know a guy who left a 60K job to open his own store in Chicago and has been in business for about 7 years now. Says he never regrets it because he is making more money now than ever. So maybe its not a bad idea if you can aford the expense of opening one and getting a GOOD reputation. Then you will survive.


Active Member
I was thinking of it as a side business, help pay my kids through college type thing. Yes it would ruin my hobby probably. I wouldn't quit my day job..
Just thoughts running through my head, I'm sure there are lots of drawbacks like fish dying, how much responsibilty to put on thr owner, etc...


I live in a somewhat large city and I know the competition here doesn't really exist. There are 2 stores and one is has a pitiful selection and horrible service. I know that with my experience I would do a heck of a job with a store. As I am sure you would too with your experience in this hobby. I think it takes someone who has a passion for the hobby to be successful as a business person. Because you will know what to offer and how much most hobbiests are willing to pay for it. I have given it some serious thought and if I had the time I would do it. I say go for it, you don't have much to lose.


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Doodle, I'll give you a buck to get rid of the hair algae in my tank. Seriously though, I definately think there's room in the market for the type of business you're describing. I say go for it; college is not cheap.


Now you get to hear from the retired people!!!!! There's an old saying.."Why work for someone else for 40hrs a week when you can work for yourself for 80!!!!" I agree with the question...would you enjoy it as much if it were a job??? Also, you would have to hire and TRAIN's not like being a bagger at the corner store!!!! And when would YOU take time off????!!!! Those little fisheys need their service "On time".....and if your this what your wife WANTS to do??? They don't call these 'family businesses' for nothing!!!
I'm not trying to be a bummer........but 'playing' in a highly perishable industry which is TOTALLY service oriented is NOT a part time thing. Maybe you should consider hiring on at your LFS or see if you can go to work for an Aquarium Service Co.....check this ALL out from the inside.....good luck!!!!!! terry


I do business with a guy who has a retail "store" and a web site. The "store" is only open 10 to 4 Sat and Sun......and it's in his garage. He's also closed during July and August. He does LOTS of business both retail and from the web. He doesn't have all of the items from his web site available in the store. He gets some dry goods drop shipped from the wholesaler. Basically, if you tell him what you want, he'll get it for you and either have it shipped or hold it at the store.
I think if I could start a business this way, it would be the way I'd go. If you want his web address e-mail me at


If you open up a store and need some help/workers/whatever, I would be more than happy to lend some assistance. I do have LFS experience and have set up/maintained home systems for clients. I have all summer free, college starts in fall (go to St. Xavier). Let me know, I am very interested.
I know someone in Illinois that has a coral/fish propagation system (8- 500g systems), and has been interested in starting to do business with people(so far he does it for his own enjoyment), that could be a possible wholesale contact for your store.


Active Member
Thanks everyone - good points... terrence, thanks... I was not actually thinking of a store but a service. I'll let all know what happens, if anything..


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Richard Rendos has a small maintance business on the side.. Maybe he'll read this and give some pointers.